White Noise

Barbara is visiting her mother-in-law after the death of her spouse. While sorting old belongings, she discovers an old hobby they once shared, radio.

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The Cast

Thia Sterling

Thia Sterling - "Meredith

Thia is an actor, dancer, singer who was recently seen in Caesar and Loves Labour's Lost in Shakespeare in the Park in Red Deer and is looking forward to the challenge of playing Jacob Marley in Scrooge with Torchlight Theatre this December. As well as stage and film acting, Thia loves to lend her voice to different characters on mic - in this case a radio play. Other selected credits include Wicked Witch of the West in Wizard of Oz with Kimberley Summer Theatre, Mitzi in Crazy for You at Music Theatre Etobicoke and Loretta in Melville Boys with Pelee Island Summer Theatre. In her spare time, you can find her cooking or knitting.

Lara Schmitz

Lara Schmitz - "Barbara"

Lara is a Calgarian actor, director, and writer. This is her second time with Calgary Radio Playhouse after The Raggedy Man Cometh last season. She lent her voice to the Calgary Municipal Space Station's introduction video and hibernation simulators this fall for Beakerhead, in addition to directing the performers and managing the operations of the project. Select theatre acting credits include: Sextet (Verb Theatre), The Hollow (Vertigo Theatre), Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike (Alberta Theatre Projects), and Time Present (Lunchbox Theatre). This year she is acting in It’s a Wonderful Life for Theatre Northwest and The Lonely Diner for Vertigo Theatre, while continuing to work on a commissioned script with Matt McKinney for Verb Theatre, alongside the early stages of the Bottle Picker Monologues with Downstage and a few other scripts.

Christi Dos Santos

Christi Dos Santos - "Alicia"

Christi originally hails from South Africa, but is now based in Calgary as an actor and writer. This is her first time on Calgary Radio Playhouse. Her other projects include roles in the short films: A Perception of Prudence, Momento Mori, National and commercials. She has also voiced Anele Johnson in the popular sci-fi narrative exploration game Event[0]. In February, you can see her perform in the Just Acts Play Festival: Examining Addictions where she plays the personification of Cocaine! During the day she is the Director of Programming and Communications at DIY Theatre.

Matt McKinney

Matt McKinney - "Dan"

Matt McKinney is a multi-disciplinary video and performance artist who graduated from the University of Alberta's BFA Acting program in 2009. Recent credits include: The Last Voyage of Donald Crowhurst (ATP & Ghost River Theatre), The Passion of Sergius & Bacchus (Third Street Theatre), Snow Angel (Quest Theatre), Speech & Debate (NLT), FILM/TV: Heritage Minute: Brothers (Historica Canada), Three Colours & A Canvas (Vision 10). He also enjoys running a videography company, 2150 Creative. www.matt-mckinney.com

The Writer

Tim Ford

Tim Ford

Tim Ford wears many hats: he is a publicist, graphic designer, marketing professional, and more, and in between those hats he sneaks in a side-life as a writer of plays and short fiction. His works have been produced at Sage Theatre's IGNITE! Festival and by Mob Hit Productions, and his fiction has been published in places such as Neo-Opsis Science Fiction Magazine and Crossed Genres Magazine. His story "The Fivefold Proverbs of Zhen Xiaquan" was included in the Aurora-nominated anthology Shanghai Steam. Tim is online at www.thecanerdian.ca.

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